New UK Desk of Audiconsultores ETL Global

Feb 22, 2022 | Media, Tax Flash

As part of our policy of increasing specialisation of our services, we announce the launch of our UK Desk, led by our partner Barry Donegan, with the aim of coordinating and advising in a very close and “one-stop-shop” format to British multinational groups with subsidiaries and/or interests in Spain (as well as individuals of that nationality), in all those legal, tax and operational matters that they may need.

The increasing complexity of the operations and negotiations with the UK in recent times, has led us to take a step further and proceed to the creation of this new UK Desk, to coordinate and concentrate the care of the interests of this important group of clients, advising on the flow of legal, investment, financial and commercial operations between the UK and Spain.

In the following LINK you can access more information about this new area, as well as its manager Barry Donegan. The latter also participates in the ETL Group’s International Desk, which includes, among others, our UK offices.

Barry Donegan
Responsable UK Desk


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