Jul 4, 2022 | Media
Audiconsultores ETL Global has advised Abacus Cooperativa on the sale of its logistics centre located in Vilanova del Camí to the Swiss asset manager Pictet and its local partner Freo for €31M. The transaction, carried out through a sale & leaseback operation, allows Abacus to keep the facilities, which have more than 25,000 square metres and 18 loading bays, on a leasehold basis for the next 17 years. Through this warehouse, the cooperative serves its 48 physical shops, the online channel and also businesses and schools.
This operation also forms part of the strategic lines established by Abacus as a result of the merger with the SOM cooperative in July 2021, with which it aims to consolidate its position as a benchmark organisation in the field of education and culture, as well as ambitious objectives such as competing with giants such as Amazon through its own online shop.
Our team of lawyers and economists, led by Llorenç Hernández and Óscar Casanovas, has participated in both the Due Diligence process and in the advice and drafting of the purchase and sale contract as well as the subsequent lease contract.
Enhorabona a tot l’equip que ha participat en aquest gran projecte!
Jun 28, 2022 | Media
Audiconsultores ETL Global is very pleased to announce the incorporation to our team of the professional services firm MARTÍ SOLÀ, specialised in the fields of tax, labour and accounting advice with more than 30 years of experience.

This integration is part of Audiconsultores ETL Global’s strategic growth plan, with which we seek to continue to expand and strengthen our services and position ourselves as a benchmark firm in Catalonia within the ETL group, of which we have been part since 2021. And all of this, of course, without losing the closeness to the client, the involvement and the quality that characterises us.
With this operation, the professionals that make up Martí Solà will move to our offices on Avenida Diagonal in Barcelona to unify the teams, which now total more than 80 professionals.
On the other hand, we would like to share with you that the spanish newspaper La Vanguardia has echoed this integration in its section Mundo Empresarial of today, 28th June. You can consult the news in the following LINK.
Thank you for your continued trust in us.
May 30, 2022 | Media
Today we would like to announce the incorporation of Marta Rios as Director of Audiconsultores ETL Global, whose functions will focus on the management, planning and definition of the Firm’s strategy. To this end, she will be in charge of General Services and will be part of the Management Committee.
Marta is an economist and has more than 15 years experience in this type of role in the professional services sector. Full details of her profile and background can be found below.
Her incorporation is a step forward in the professionalisation of our firm that will help us to face the exciting challenges ahead.
¡Welcome Marta!

Marta Rios
Graduate in Business Administration and Management from IQS (Universitat Ramón Llull), Master in Business Management from IQS and Fordham University in NY and Master in Economic and Financial Management. She has more than 15 years of experience in the legal and consulting sector in large firms. She specialises in management control, project management and transversal teams as well as in the definition and structuring of KPI’s for strategic decision making in law firms.
Feb 22, 2022 | Media, Tax Flash
As part of our policy of increasing specialisation of our services, we announce the launch of our UK Desk, led by our partner Barry Donegan, with the aim of coordinating and advising in a very close and “one-stop-shop” format to British multinational groups with subsidiaries and/or interests in Spain (as well as individuals of that nationality), in all those legal, tax and operational matters that they may need.
The increasing complexity of the operations and negotiations with the UK in recent times, has led us to take a step further and proceed to the creation of this new UK Desk, to coordinate and concentrate the care of the interests of this important group of clients, advising on the flow of legal, investment, financial and commercial operations between the UK and Spain.
In the following LINK you can access more information about this new area, as well as its manager Barry Donegan. The latter also participates in the ETL Group’s International Desk, which includes, among others, our UK offices.

Barry Donegan
Responsable UK Desk
Nov 11, 2021 | Media
Today we can say that at AUDICONSULTORES ETL Global we are already working at full capacity as a fully integrated team. After the merger of Audiconsultores and ETL Global Links, we are now more than 70 professionals in our Barcelona offices.
For this reason, and as a testimony of this successful union, we want to share with you our video about the celebration that we all did together as ETL Global AUDICONSULTORES.
Now it is time to continue working as we have done so far to be able to offer our clients comprehensive and close advice, with a growth perspective and future projection.