2023 Income Tax and Equity Campaign

As you know, last April 3, the campaign for the Annual Individual Income Tax Return or Model 100 began.

In this circular, we review the following points to take into account:

  • Obligated subjects
  • Revision of tax information
  • Completion of Model 100
  • Deadlines of presentation

Access to full newsletter HERE

2022 Income Tax and Equity Campaign

As you know, last April 11, the campaign for the Annual Individual Income Tax Return or Model 100 began.

In this circular, we review the following points to take into account:

  • Obligated subjects
  • Revision of tax information
  • Completion of Model 100
  • Deadlines of presentation

Access to full newsletter LINK.

Personal income and Wealth Tax 2021

On 6 April started the voluntary period for filing the Personal Income Tax and Wealth Tax returns for the 2021 tax year. For this reason, we have prepared this circular letter which contains:

        • The deadlines for submission.
        • The system for receiving documentation from our office.
        • The most important aspects and new features for the 2021 tax year: new Personal Income Tax deductions, new features in the RCI, modification of reductions and limits in pension funds and plans, new box for reporting cryptocurrencies, among others.
        • Finally, in the form of annexes, the lists of the documentation necessary for the preparation of both returns.

To access the full document click on this LINK.

Circular Letter 01 2022 – Informative declarations of assets and rights located abroad. January 2022.

During the month of January begin the obligations to file the informative declarations related to the assets that are located abroad, whether owned or that some power, title or right on it is held. In this circular we review the obligations, the form of presentation and the deadlines. These are:

    • ETE Form
    • Form D-6
    • Form117
    • Form 720


You can read the complete CIRCULAR LETTER 01 2022 in the following LINK.